Item Management
An item refers to a commodity or finished good sale or purchased for the business. Item can be a product or service that a Company buys from the Vendor or sells to the Customer.
On clicking “Item” option of Masters Menu, the following options will be displayed:
Item Creation
To create item record, click on “Masters > Item > Item Creation”, the following screen will be appeared:

Item Creation screen contains the following fields:
Item Name: Enter the name of item to be created.
Item Code: Enter the code of item which must be unique.
Primary Group: Select the primary group of the item.
Under Group: Select the under group in which the item exists.
For viewing Under Group detail, click on the icon |
- Unit: Select the unit of the item.
For viewing item Unit detail, click on the icon |
Price Details
Sale Price: Enter the sale price for the item. It is the actual price paid for the item.
Purchase Price: Enter the purchase price for the item. It is the original price of the item.
M.R.P: Enter the maximum retail price for the item. M.R.P (Maximum Retail Price) is the price above which retailers are prohibited from adopting when selling the products to consumers.
Self Dev. Cost: Enter the self dev. cost of the item.
Enter the special note about the item.
After entering all the details, click on “Save” button to save the information.
The following buttons are used in Item Creation Form:
Add: To add new entry.
Save: To save the data.
Cancel: To cancel particular operation.
Edit: To edit existing records.
Print: To print the records.
Delete: To delete the records.
Exit: To exit from current window.
List: To generate a list of all existing records.
If you want to view the details of any item then select that item from the list and press enter or double click. |