This section will help you to understand step by step installation procedure of Microsoft Access to MySQL Database Converter Software. Before installation of the software, make sure that your computer meets all minimum system requirements.
Software Download Instructions
Download Steps:
- Open download link of the software.
- Click on “Save” button to save setup file of the software.
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You can save this file at any place in the computer system according to your choice. |
- After saving the file, a “File Download” window will be appeared.
- When downloading the software is completed, a message appears “Download Complete”.
- Click on “Close” button to close the window.
Installation Steps:
Double click on Setup File of the software and click on “Run” button.
The installation wizard screen will be appeared that will guide you to install the software.
Step1-> On clicking “Run” button, the following screen will be appeared:
![License Agreement](images/sig2-a2.JPG)
This screen provides the information about license terms before installing MSAccess to MySQL Database Converter Software.
Click on “I Agree” button for further process software installation. |