4. |
After clicking “Remove” button, the Uninstallation Wizard screen will be appeared which will guide you to uninstall the software. |
![Uninstallation Wizard](images/sig3-d1.jpg)
Click on “Uninstall” button to continue the Uninstallation process.
5. |
On clicking “Uninstall” button, the following screen will be appeared: |
![Uninstallation Process](images/sig3-e1.JPG)
This screen will display the Uninstallation of application files.
Click on “Finish” button to finish the Uninstallation process.
6. |
After clicking “Finish” button, the Uninstallation Complete screen will be appeared: |
![Uninstallation Complete](images/sig3-f1.JPG)
Click on “Finish” button to complete the Uninstallation process.
Now MySQL to MSSQL database conversion application program has been completely uninstalled from your computer system. |