Purchase Reports Continued...
Purchase Order Report
Purchase Order Report is used to view total transaction during purchase order.
To view Purchase Order Report, click on Reports > Purchase Reports > Purchase Order, the following screen will be appeared:
![Purchase Order](images/Purchase-order-report.jpg)
This screen contains the following fields:
- Range of Dates:
Select the date range to view purchase order report.
- Select Status for Purchase Order
Select the status of purchase order record whether it is Completed, Pending or Canceled.
To view all status (like Completed, Pending and Canceled) of records in a single report then click on “Select All” option.
- Select Vendor:
Select the vendor for whom you want to view the report. You can also view the purchase order report for all vendors by selecting All Vendors option.
After selecting the client, click on Display Report button to display the report.
- Transaction Details
This section displays the transaction details of the report including:
- S.No.: This field displays the serial number.
- Vendor Code: This field displays the vendor code.
- Vendor Name: This field displays the vendor Name.
- Company Name: This field displays the company name.
- Address: This field displays the company address.
- Email: This field displays the email address of the vendor.
- Phone: This field displays the phone number of the vendor.
- Mobile: This field displays the mobile number of the vendor.
- Fax: This field displays the fax number.
- P. Order No.: This field displays the purchase order number.
- Date: This field displays date when the purchase order has been created.
- Ref. No.: This field displays the reference number of the vendor.
- Discount (%): This field displays the discount rate.
- Discount: This field displays the discount amount.
- Tax (%): This field displays the total tax rate which has been charged on the purchase order.
- Tax: This field displays the amount after applying the tax.
- Total Payment: This field displays the total amount that has to be paid.
- Status: This field displays the purchase order status whether it is Completed, Pending or Canceled.
- Remarks: This field displays special information about the purchase order.
- Grand Total:
This field displays the total amount of purchase order.
You can also view the records details by clicking on Display Record button.