Save Log
Once you enter the product information including general information, add files, dialogs, shortcuts and registry, you can save these information by clicking on Save Log button on Install menu.
You can easily save general product information in .ddl file format at specified storage location and that can be used further in future.
Once you save the log information, click Create button on Install menu to create new installation package of the product.
Now product installation package has been created.
DRPU Setup package creator utility facilitates user to install and uninstall setup package in the easiest way. Once you have installed setup package wizard in your system, when required no more, you can easily uninstall setup wizard from your system.
Our software facilitates to create uninstallation features for uninstalling product setup package.
This section covers:
This section will help you to provide general information of the uninstallation wizard during uninstallation process.
After clicking the General Button on Uninstall menu, the Uninstall-General Information screen will be appeared as follows:
![Uninstall-General Information](images/S17.jpg)
This screen consists of the following fields:
Uninstall Title: This field lets user specify title which will be shown on Uninstallation wizard.
Note-> You can select the title name by using Product Variables Directory.
Uninstall File Name: You can specify the File Name for uninstalling the setup wizard.
Visit Product Uninstall Web Page: Specify the webpage of the product for which you want to make the Uninstallation package